Sunday 19 June 2016


The Nigerian army in conjunction with members of vigilante group intensified their effort to keep the road open and secure, yesterday, carrying out a clearance operation along Bitta-Damboa axis.
According to the statement released by the Nigerian Army, troops carried out clearance patrol from Bitta up to Junction point at Gambori village, Borno State and  during the operation, the troops encountered Boko Haram terrorists at Bulajani village and successfully cleared and pursued the fleeing Boko Haram terrorists in the area.
The troops killed 4 Boko Haram terrorists, while an unconfirmed number escaped with gun shot wounds.
"Our patrol recovered 6 bicycles and food storage facility laden with foodstuffs. They also discovered and safely detonated 1 Improvised Explosive Device (IED) at Madube village." Colonel Sani Kukasheka Usman, acting Director Army Public Relations stated.
In a related development, troops of 22 Brigade Garrison accompanied by Civilian JTF also carried out patrol at Albanya village and its environs along Dikwa-Marte axis. Some of the terrorists were arrested and have been moved to the Brigade Headquarters for preliminary interrogation and subsequent handing over to the Joint Interrogation Committee

Kirikiri Prison Inmate Bags University Degree

Three weeks after granting scholarships to all prison inmates studying in the
institutions, the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), recently awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A Theology) to a student of the school, and an inmate of the Kirikiri Prisons, Lagos, Mr. Albert Emmanuel Ajogbor.

The graduate fondly called “Prison Pastor,” by fellow inmates, was presented with his Golden Fleece by the Director, Learner Support Services of the institution, Prof. Nebath Tanglang, who represented the vice chancellor, Prof. Abdalla Adamu.

NOUN is the only tertiary institution in the country that makes education available to inmates of Nigerian prisons. And the institution on that occasion reiterated that its recent decision to grant scholarships to all prison inmates in the country, after observed dearth of sponsorship offers, “Was
to help make the journey of procuring a university degree a little less daunting and a little more achievable…”

According to the vice chancellor, the university over the years has supplied course materials for free and has paid 50 per cent of payable fees for inmates. Philanthropic bodies such as religious groups and non-governmental organisations, as well as well-meaning Nigerians pay for the other 50 per cent.
May I use this opportunity to thank all our sponsors for their generous contributions towards your education.”

Adamu who was only recently appointed as helmsman of the institution told the inmates, “My goal is to improve on the standards and structures already laid down by my predecessor. I am sure that a number of your peers who are also incarcerated would like to register to study one of our programmes but for the fact that they have no means of funding their education and improving their destiny.

Ajogbor, the new graduate, who said he felt like a hero, expressed deep gratitude to prison authorities for facilitating his education as well as the institution for extending such services to prison inmates.

Wednesday 15 June 2016


While growing up in the streets of a cosmopolitan town in northern Nigeria, I had the rare privilege of being amongst those who have had a fore taste of western education. They served as advisers, mentors and models whose lives I struggled to emulate. My taste and hunger for intellectualism was watered by their continuous socio-cultural, political, economic and sometimes religious engagements under the dogon-yaro tree on my street. Most of them were Ife breeds and to say they were intelligent is like saying Mohammadu Buhari is the president of Nigeria. So I heard the Great Ife anthem for the first time arguably at the age of 10 or 11. I became conversant with slogans and clichés like “of the Greatest Ife! Articulate Ife! Almighty Ife Fortress” at such an early age. I grew up with that mentality of Ife or nowhere.

Consequently, the dream saw the light and I further served as a Students Representative of the most vibrant Union in Nigeria and most beautiful university in the whole of sub-Saharan West Africa. I have defended, both at home and abroad the greatness of Ife. However, there have been times when even I, had to question the much chorused greatness for several reasons such as the one currently rocking the institution – the appointment of a new Vice-Chancellor.

I have listened to the debates across the divide on the on-going crisis with respect to the appointment of Prof. Ayobami Salami as the incoming Vice-Chancellor of the Obafemi Awolowo University. Specifically, the Non-Academic staff union (NASU) has been at the fore front of those agitating against this appointment by its continuous protest on campus and the purported injunction it (NASU) claimed it had secured from the court stopping the process. On that, the University claims it has not received any court injunction or restraining order, that what it was served was a notice of application for an injunction, which by itself is not an injunction, I think the responsibility now behoves on NASU to show the world a copy of the alleged injunction that they secured and served the University.

I know personally and very closely about five (5) of the contestants and so do not have any reason to take sides with any of them. As much as I do also have preference and wish one of them becomes the 11th Vice-Chancellor of this citadel of learning, however, I am not part of the selection process and as such, would swallow my prejudice, but even if I was part of them (the selection team) I would definitely allow objectivity to imprison my bias. Now, for the sake of those who do not know, I will state the provisions of the statutory requirements for the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor under the Second Schedule, Section 24(2), Statute 6(1-3) of the Obafemi Awolowo University Law (as amended by degree 11 of 1993). 1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor in accordance with the provisions in the Statute.  
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for the period of five years only on such terms and conditions as may be specified in his letter of appointment.  
3. When a vacancy occurs in the post of the Vice-Chancellor, the Council shall: (a) Advertise the vacancy in a reputable journal or a widely read newspaper in Nigeria, specifying: (i) the qualities of the persons who may apply for the post and (ii) the terms and conditions of service applicable to the post, and thereafter draw up a short list of suitable candidates for the post for consideration. (b) Constitute a Search Team consisting of: (i) A member of the Council, who is not a member of the Senate, as Chairman; (ii) Two members of the Senate who are not members of the Council, one of whom shall be a Professor; (iii) Two members of Congregation who are not members of the Council, one of whom shall be a Professor; to identify and nominate for consideration, suitable persons who are not likely to apply for the post on their own volition because they feel that it is not proper to do so. (c) Set up a Joint Council and Senate Selection Board consisting of: (i) The Pro-Chancellor, as Chairman; (ii) Two members of the Council not being members of the Senate; (iii) Two members of the Senate who are Professors, but who are not members of the Search Team. 

The Board shall consider the candidates and persons on the short list drawn up under sub-Section 
3(aii) of this Statute through an examination of their Curriculum Vitae and interaction with them and recommend to the Council suitable candidates for further consideration. (d) The Council shall select three candidates from among the candidates recommended to it under sub-Section 3(c) of this Statute and may indicate its order of preference stating the reasons thereof and forward the names to the Visitor.

It is worthy of mention, that the 2009 FGN-ASUU Agreement has reviewed sub-Section 3(d) of the Statute by virtue of the autonomy granted to the Universities. Now the process ends with the Council (who will finally select the best candidate and announce such persons to the general public) and not the Visitor.

For the avoidance of doubt, let us review the process so far and then judge for ourselves if the agitations by the Non-Academic members of staff are objective, reasonable and for the development of the system. Below are the timeline of events:
▪ On the 8th of December, 2015 the University Administration took a memorandum to the 238th Governing Council meeting stating that the position of the Vice-Chancellor, Obafemi Awolowo University shall become vacant on June 23, 2016 with the expiration of the tenure of the incumbent, Prof Tale Omole. ▪ The Council also approved advertisements for the position in six National dailies around 15th of December, 2015 with the closing date for the advertisement fixed for 26th January, 2016. ▪ A Special Meeting held on 28th January, 2016 saw the election of Chief Moses Otazi as Chairman of the Search Team. The Senate of the University and Congregation had also elected their representatives of the Search Team. ▪ Council on March 8, 2016 had another Special Meeting where the report of the Search Team was considered. The report of the Team showed that “33 Professors in about 10 Universities were searched; one (1) indicated that he had applied, four (4) promised to apply, while others declined and suggested that the University should look inward for a credible candidate”. It was at this Special Meeting of the Council that applications of all the candidates who eventually applied (11) were opened and six (6) of them shortlisted.

I have extracted the criterion that was employed as stated in the advert, “The person for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, is required to possess a good University education of a recognized University and should be a proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically, the candidate shall be expected to: Be a highly distinguished scholar of the rank of Professor of not less than ten (10) years’ experience on that rank, with ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University Community; Be able to command the respect of the national and international academic communities through his/her track records; Possess a clear vision for the development of the University and the realization of its mission; Demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and possess the ability to strengthen the bridges between staff, students, other members of the University community and the University's stake holders; Exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract much needed funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University; Enjoy excellent physical and mental health; and Have demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local and international governmental and non-governmental agencies”.

Now for an institution like the Obafemi Awolowo University, that prides itself of highly intellectual academics, students and other staff members alongside very effective staff and students unions, these criteria are not too much. In fact it is foolish for anyone who does not have the potential to attract funds and have not attracted a penny even to his department to think of leading the institution in these times of dwindling revenue from the center and the aggressive rise in prices of goods and services coupled with constant agitations for wage increase. Imagine a Professor who has not made any contribution to knowledge in the last five years; who even scarcely interacts with the students in his department not to mention the congress of OAU students; who have busied himself gathering pecuniary gains by lecturing in over six (6) other universities across the country; who only travels out of this country to visit his wards studying abroad or on vacation; who does not have any international recognition in his chosen career path trying to lead a university such as ours.

In my candid opinion, Council has done its best
by adhering to the provisos of the Statute thus far. And if you feel aggrieved, please keep your grievance to yourself. You can’t be more grieved than the contestants, but have you seen any of them challenging the process? Do you have a better knowledge of the process than they do? Why do you want to take Panadol for some else headache?

I am tired of having my future postponed to obviously baseless agitations from NASU, their hypocritical sponsors and blind supporters and I suppose it is same for other students who are concerned about their time here and want to meet up with the age requirement of the labour market. 

The fresh students who are supposed to have completed their registration by now have been rendered helpless, doing nothing and open to all manner harm. If their (NASU) demand is the alleged 64 months hazard allowance they are being owed, they should state it clearly and not hide under the guise of any form of imposition of Vice-Chancellor on them. They apparently do not have ANY say in the process of the appointment of the VC, if they want to have a say, they should agitate for a review of the laws of the university and do that through all legal means available not by constituting nuisance on campus. Come to think of it, all through the years have spent in Ife, they have never expressed their grievance in a National daily even when they have a genuine cause. I am surprised that they eventually were able to raise money to agitate for a cause that isn’t theirs to fight on National dailies.

Kudos to the unseen hands.

Comrade Jadora


Embattled  NIDSA OAU executives have come out stating that their suspension by  the NIDSA, NATIONAL SECRETARIAT is nothing but a facade.

The Ife indigenes in OAU openly called the act of the National body as oppression against their vibrant stance against impunity at the national level.

"Our long ago silence on the catastrophic,purported suspension, and dissolution of NIDSA OAU executives by the National secretariat is not out of cowardice nor in compliance with the national secretariat directives. Our muteness is basically a payment of obeisance to the instruction of our staff advisers, since we were advised to  be quiet and passive for peace to reign in order to get to the root of the matter and  put the chapter back on its right track." General Secretary, AYEYEMI OLAYEMI (Da Seeker) stated.

"The activities of our chapter has since then been crippled due to the intervention and obstruction of our chapter by the national secretariat. In addition,series of meetings that we attended during the course of negotiating for peace made it known for us to decipher that the purported suspension is more of political vendatta and misuse of authority rather than avoidance of seccesion the national secretariat claimed to be." he added.
The President, IJIYINKA IJIWOLE (Hon JK) however has stated that they value their local chapter so much that they can't concur to the vacum like and amorphous NIDSA OAU any longer.


Synergy and solidarities with other unions on campus is not a new or alien thing to our students Union but I think it's high time we had a reflection on the merits and demerits of such solidarities.

During first semester of last session, NASU protested the long owed arrears of her member by the school management. We had it thoughtful by a congressional resolution to solidarize with this movement. Our solidarity went a long way in shaking the four walls of the struggle and intensified the march. For the first time in my history, I saw a university go on a mid-semester break as the school authority were fast shaken to declare school closure.

What was the outcome of the struggle? Victory or loss?
To an extent and to the best of my knowledge, the leaders of the union had victory in the struggle but the members lost utterly (I stand to be corrected).

What was our lostt?
We resumed after a week only for the school authority to adjust academic calendar and almost a month was added to the existing calendar.

During the course of the second semester, precisely in the wake of December, our union clamored for an overhaul in our welfare condition through an upgrade of facilities on campus, the school embarked on another mid-semester break and the management announced that students union activities hereby stand suspended.

During the course of the break, our dear sister unions had it cool to not just keep mute in the scene but also help in making matters worse for us.

ASUU in her congress during the break resolved to advise that some of our union leaders be dealt with by the school authority for certain issues with a member of their Union. This could have been settled by ASUU summoning these principal officers of our union to her congress and scolding them in sisterhood. If I offend my sister and she decides to report me to that macho man that flogs both of us everyday, is she worth being cared for tomorrow when Mr macho wants to flog her?

NASU members on the other side embarked on all such frustration tactics as directed by the school authority. Lights were completely off in all hostels, water was zeroed in all hostels and all butteries were locked. My brother, what frustration can be worse? Students went from Faj to fetch water in pit theater, forks and fingers as well as PG hall. NASU never deemed it fit to resolve on this as to solidarize with our cause and provide these basic amenities for students on campus during the break.

While we were very much far behind any other school's calendar due to one delay or the other, ASUU deemed it fit to embark on 56 days leave (this is another issue entirely as some of us still see this as being correct).

Now, we have seen these sister unions having one clamor or the other of recent demanding student synergies.

During the cause of the semester break, ASUU in her solidarity for the NLC quest as regards fuel subsidy removal sponsored the students solidarity with over 20 or 30 thousand naira. It was a case of hiring goons, buying the sticks to storm the house of the next door neighbor and upon fulfilment of these task, he treats the goons to a nice meal. They will wish to serve him tomorrow.

Students accompanied ASUU in solidarity in an all expense paid trip to Oshogbo with planks and placards and came back with toothpicks and table water. We all enjoyed it, sekona has very good cooks. Pounded yam and amala can be sometimes wonderful. I think new buka operatives need to go down to Sekona to learn how to make Egusi.

When NASU wanted to proceed to court last Friday, they intended to sponsor our solidarity movement. (Although certain logistic errors couldn't permit this alas). You should jump at this offer to explore some free meals.

These unions have over the period sponsored us provided we solidarize with their movements. They even sometimes of recent went as far as paying school fees of student activists and these so-called shameless dogs gave this a shady scene. When have they ever included it in their demands that the school should make us have our elections and unfreeze our bank account (if truly its been frozen) or they decide to sponsor our elections and be ready to sponsor our movement by sustaining the existence of the union financially?

Solidarities don't just go on papers, they are funded. Instead of sponsoring us to have our solidarity for you, can't you sponsor us to operate legally like you. What's your delight in using us as goons and thugs when you need us and join in flogging us when oppression is coming from above?

Today, we keep telling students that resumption date still remains 27 June, how far will that go if things go haywire? Times may tell and we may not be able to control things.

What if it will happen again that the leaders of the movement will accumulate victory in their pockets and the followers will lose utterly, what will be our lots?

Don't support anyone who will feed you for your solidarity rather than sponsor your voice.

🗣Hon JayD


"Woe and woe, betide the man who in the face of social political, economic, Academic and environmental crisis among others, maintains his neutrality." - Okoli Martins.
For months now, the crisis as regards the selection of a new leader in Obafemi Awolowo University, has been quite problematic. A process that is just like an election has not, cannot and will not favour all the parties involved. In this write up, I will try as much as possible to analyse the position of the law as to the Vcship, the position of NASU, and the position we as students ought to take and lastly but very importantly,suggest reasonable way forward.
Before we talk about the present, we must consult the past. For if we don't know where we are coming from it is an almost impossible task to know where we are going to. In 2011, while I was still basking in the euphoria of being admitted into what appears to me as the best campus in Nigeria, it was a period of tussle for the Vice chancellorship position. A lot of unfamiliar names, as I was new to the campus then were mentioned. Few months later, someone was selected. As at then, everybody said the person selected was in fact, the least popular of all the candidates for the Senate Building top job.
There were grumblings and rantings here and there. Then, I was even told that the then President, Goodluck Jonathan would not recognise the selected personality, since he is an unpopular candidate. I was very new to the system then; so you wouldn't blame me for believing any junk I picked up from the street. Just like any Nigerian kid would believe the story of the Nigeria versus India football match, which was said to have ended 99-1 in a defeat to Nigeria. A match where the late Okparaji was said to have kicked a ball like stone that turned into a lion and scored the only goal of the match for our country and then died few hours later from the effect of the charms of the Indians.
Alas, after we returned from home from the fee hike protest in 2011, the then unpopular candidate was to be inaugurated. He is the present Vice Chancellor of our university; Prof. Bamitale Idowu Omole. It was there and then that I realised that there must have been some criteria for the selection of a new Vice Chancellor. Hence few months later, I tried as much as possible to lay hands on several articles and legal facts. Hence, I would be analysing such as follows.
In 2009, the federal government entered into an agreement with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (hereinafter referred to as Asuu). This agreement yielded several autonomy for universities both financially and administratively. It was this agreement that brought in the procedure to select a Vice chancellor. Here, the Governing Councils of all federal Universities are charged with the responsibility of selecting a new Vice Chancellor in accordance with the provisions of the university statutory requirements. Majorly, the bulk of the process would be conducted by the Governing Council. From there, Asuu, the only union body recognised in this selection process may interact with the aspirants for the top job. It is exclusively the job of the governing council to handle the selection process. The agreement has not in anyway stated that it is the job of any Union body to select a Vice Chancellor. Hence, on legal reasoning, sincerely the vice chancellor has been duly selected in accordance with the existing law.
The Non Academic Staff Union of Universities(hereinafter referred to as NASU) and Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities(hereinafter referred to as SSANU) have in fact, been quite unhappy with the selection of the new Vice Chancellor. Presently, there is a resistance protest going on. I have then decided to consult widely on this matter. However, till now, I am yet to lay hands on a very genuine reason worth protesting about. Some of them believe the VC was not selected in line with the law. Some of them believe the new VC is a protégé of the outgoing administration, with which they've had crisis with.
Some of them also believe that their entitlements would be buried under this coming administration.
On the reason, of the illegality of the selection process, this is an exercise in futility. No court would grant a stay on any matter which conforms with due process. In fact, it is only the truth that, Union bodies have only, the observer's position in this case. Let us asumme that the new VC needs to be reselected, who will conduct the new process?
It is definitely not the NASU nor SSANU, nor the court. It will still be the same governing council. Both the court, and NASU/SSANU and any other concerned body would still take the observer's seat. Then what's the case here?
On the position of the new VC being a protégé of the past administration, it is true that the incoming VC as announced last week, is the present Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic), Prof. Ayo Salami. The grudge with the outgoing administration should in fact cease and then the unions try to find a positive way forward for the incoming one. Also, this is not another reason why the process carried out by the governing council should be discredited.
Pertaining to the fear of the incoming administration burying all their interest, I feel this should be the major reason on the list. But aye aye, this is an issue that should first be discussed on a very large round table with the incoming VC. Consultation should be employed, not direct confrontation as we have it now. This in fact, would breed bad blood between NASU and the new VC.
Yet, all these reasons are not worth immediate confrontation. Before taking to the streets appropriate consultations should have been made. These are issues that could have been settled on a round table. Taking to the street and disrupting the way of things without consultation is unfair, selfish, callous and insincere.
Greatest Ife! Our position on this matter, should not be compromised based on some petty selfish feelings of interested parties. We should not engage in a fruitless exercise. This is obviously another way to send us home for another set of weeks. Let us do a little calculation here. We finished exam on the 6th of April. We proceeded on a 56 days leave with our lecturers. Should we now go on another set of compulsory "semester break" just because of this fruitless adventure?
For those of us that don't know, the fresher's are doing nothing, they are wasting away. They are just roaming the streets of Ife. Theft has increased on campus most especially in Angola and Mozambique halls. Our lecturers are either abroad, or on a warm beach somewhere having fun with their families. We are the ones eager to start a new semester and finish fast. Let us not also forget that we are in the 2015/2016 Academic session. This is mid-June 2016. When are we going to complete this present session, before we now add another unwanted holiday to the list?
For the freshmen and other persons that don't know, you must know that the past five agitations by NASU have been fruitless. Yes, last five, from 2011-2015. The last one which occurred sometimes last year November was for the agitation for their unpaid entitlements. Unfortunately we were forced to embark on a compulsory "semester break". It is saddening to know that NASU kept mute after we came from the break. The protest stopped abruptly. Reason for stopping the protest was till now, not known. We just didn't hear anything anymore.
The sympathy here is that the NASU is probably the most hard working set of staff, as they do most of the dirty jobs on our campus. Kudos to them, I respect these hardworking men and women. But this is way beyond emotions; this is our lives. We are not getting any younger. NASU needs to understand that just like we supported them last November, we will support any of their reasonable agitations. I was always at the school gate supporting NASU last november, until they technically sold out.
Greatest Ife,it is worthy to note that in fact, the support we have given NASU in the past is not directly proportionate with what we get in the past from NASU. NASU has always supported our agitation as students on paper. In 2014, during the fee hike protest, they came out to say they are supporting our protest. But they were no where to be found during the course of the struggle. The support we gave NASU in the past is divine. That however should not be taken as a birthright for wrong and unnecessary protest.
1. NASU/SSANU should sheath their swords, and make way for deliberations, consultations and meetings with the incoming VICE CHANCELLOR. As it is clear that the process for appointing the potential VC is spotless.
2. NASU should also understand that their application for an injunction to stay the proceedings of the appointment of the VC has not been granted. A protest at the moment is unnecessary, illegal, and quite incomprehensible.
3. Greatest Ife, we must not at this juncture tolerate an extension to our belated school calendar. Supporting NASU this time is like setting our own trap. We will end up falling into it. Let us disuade from this show of shame.
4. While we are at it, a meeting should be called where students meet to strategise on how to ensure that this incoming administration lifts the ban on our union. We can't continue to stay out in the cold without roof over our head. Our union must come back!
5. When we are able to meet the incoming administration, maybe in a congress or any other platform, one of our agitations should also be how to maintain a school calendar with a little pace. The lagging behind must stop.
Greatest Ife, this is an issue that concerns everyone. We need to move on. Unnecessary agitation must stop. We need to be reasonable. Thank you.
"Radicals must be resilient, and adaptable to shifting political circumstances. And be sensitive enough with their process of action and reaction to avoid being trapped by their own tactics or being faced to travel on a road not of their own choosing." - Saul David Alinsky.
Former Lord Justice,
Student Union Judicial Council,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Osun state.
For commendations, criticisms,enquiries:
F; Fakiyesi Samuel

Sunday 12 June 2016

AnnaDiva and Co enters OAU Hall of Fame.

Immediate past chairperson of Mozambique, AnnaDiva and Co members of her administration was honoured yesterday during the Hall's Orientation programme and party held on the Basketball court.

According to Hall Warden, this is the first of its kind in Mozambique hall for decades. The recognition is based on the  annadiva led administration's exceptional devoted services and neat financial accountability to d hall.

The Vice Dean, Dr Afolabi giving out a plague and cash prize to the awardees noted that the legacy must be maintained, stressing further that students should not only be rewarded on academic excellence alone.

Other awardees included staff members like Mr iyiola, Mr olawale, Mrs akinbobola.

Dignitaries that graced the event were hall Mistress Dr Mrs Irinoye, Dr Ogunusi, Mrs Olarinoye amongst others.

Friday 10 June 2016

Beat Burundi For Me -Birthday Boy, Kelechi Nwakali

Arsenal football club bound midfielder, Kelechi Nwakali, has asked his team mate to give him a befitting birthday gift by beating their Burundian U20 counterpart when the two sides clash today in the final leg of the second round of the African U20 Nations Cup qualifiers.

Nigeria will host Burundi at the UJ Esuene stadium in Calabar, as they hope to seal their 1-0 advantage in the first leg of the encounter.

"We are going to play and win our match on Saturday and I’m confident we would celebrate like we did the last time with Samuel Chukwueze when we beat Burundi away."

Nwakali won the FIFA U17 Most Valuable Player in Chile, when he captained the Golden Eaglets of Nigeria to the fifth world cup titles Chile in 2015, and he will be joining the Gunners whom he already secured a pre-contract agreement with earlier this year.

Oonirisa And Wife Begins Tour of US

His Imperial Majesty Oba (Dr) Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, OjajaII is in the United States with Yeyelua Wurola Ogunwusi in New York City.

The official tour is tagged  # OoniOfIFeUSATour and the welcoming was very overwhelming.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Ajimobi's Students Reject Policy

Students of secondary schools in Oyo state in their numbers took to the streets of Ibadan, to protest the plan of the state government to involve individuals, old students' association and missionaries in the running of public secondary schools.

The Students occupied the streets holding leafs and chanting songs anti-Ajimobi songs in their uniforms marched through Oke-Ado, Molete, Agodi gate axis to government house and state secretariat, Ibadan, where they met a brick wall of mobile policemen.

Also, hundreds of civil servants under the auspices of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) besieged labour house and Magistrate court, Ibadan, to follow up on their call for the release of the seven labour leaders in detention since last Friday.

Speaking at labour house, some of the NLC members alleged that they were being harassed by certain members of the public in their several gatherings this morning, especially at Magistrate court, Iyaganku, Ibadan.
Spicebolt took notice of the stationary Armoured Personnel Carrier and mobile policemen at entry points to the Secretariat.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

OAU: Protesting Union Obstructs Free Movement

Protesting Unions in Obafemi Awololo University took their protest to another extent today obstructing free flow of traffic in front of the school Senate building.

NASU and SSANU had showed displeasure at the selection of Prof. Ayobami SaIami as the next VC to replace Prof. Omole whose tenure ends on the 23rd of June this year.

The protesting Union with a placard claimed that the VC has destroyed the committee system in the University and are also calling on the federal government to probe the administration.

Spicebolt gathered that Prof. Omole has been asked to appear in court on Friday.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

My Administration Championed Ogunruku's Case till We were Shortlived- Omotayo Akande Reveals

Erstwhile President of the Students' Union of Obafemi Awolowo University, Omotayo Akande has revealed to the public that his administration championed the reinstatement of Suspended Student of
Obafemi Awolowo University, Olawale Ogunruku who was suspended during FJay's Administration until the School Management suspended him and others.

According to the former President of the Union, his administration while prioritizing the struggle for better welfare of the students also took the case of Ogunruku very serious and that is evident with the reply of the Management highlighted in point four of the management release after the management got notice of our resolution to embark on a protest.

"When we got the response from the Management, we took it upon ourselves to reply the management by proving that the acclaimed renovation was not visible and we gave evidences to assert that Ogunruku was a Student before he was suspended",Omotayo Akande said.

Olawale Ogunruku, a fresh student participated in the struggle for rejection of increment of acceptance fee from 2000naira to #20,000. He got suspended alongside the then Students' Union President named Fjay and others; Fjay and others got reinstated while Ogunruku has continued to be victimized till date.

Monday 6 June 2016

Prof. Ayobami Salami: The 11th Vice Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University

Prof Ayobami Salami has been in the services of Obafemi Awolowo University since 1987 and became a professor in 2003. The Professor of Geography and now Ecology Instiute head  has served in various capacity in the University ranging from ASUU , the University Senate as well as a member of the governing council both in OAU and Rufus Giwa Polytechnic.

The Alumnus of Obafemi Awolowo University despite his heavy administrative responsibility as DVC has been a catalyst and not just a spectator; as a student he was also a key player. Prof. Salami using his good office as DVC was able to facilitate maximum access of the university staff to tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) for overseas conference attendance, research grants as well as staff training and development.

He has been able to effectively combine teaching post graduate courses, publishing(with numerous academic publications to his name) and administration, the energetic professor is also a great grant mobilizer and has a good relationship with the World Bank as one time Project Manager for World Bank Sponsored Centre of Excellence (CoEX) in Software Engineering: Science & Technology Education at post-Basic levels Project in the University and the Centre leader, World Bank Sponsored African Centre of Excellence on ICT-Driven knowledge park till date.

“My vision for the University for the next 5 years(2016-2021) is hinged on the tripod of hindsight(based on lesson from history), Insight(based on reflections rather than musings) and Foresight(based on experience rather than mere desire for fancy for experimentation) All I need is the mandate and we are just 5years away from dreamland.”-Prof. Ayobami Salami.

Lautech Students' Union Proscribed After Election Violence

The Management of Lautech has proscribed the Students Union after activities that engulfed the campus after the Students' Union Election.

In a Statement by the Registrar, J A Agboola the Management Committee's decision was taken to the effect that all Student Union activities be suspended with immediate effect and until further notice.

The School Management has also set up an investigation panel to examine all aspects of the 2016 Student Union election in all its ramifications.

Kogi: Bello wins first Hurdle Against Faleke , Idris Wada Next!

James Faleke, running mate to the late Abubakar Audu, candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the November 21, 2015 election, has lost his bid to unseat Yahaya Bello, governor of Kogi state. 

Delivering judgement on Monday, the tribunal held that Faleke could not be declared governor because he did not participate in the APC primary.

Faleke in his prayer wanted the court to rule in his favour by returning the Mandate of office to him.

Tomorrow will be another judgement on the Kogi State election as Idris Wada is also challenging the result claiming that he should have been pronounced winner rather than the inconclusive pronouncement by INEC.

"Blocked University Money Refinery A Right Move"- Immanuel Kant,Former PRO of OAU Students Union Lauds FG

At the pronouncement of the Honourable Minister of Education, Mallam Adamu Adamu, the conducts of post-jamb by Nigerian Universities cease to continue. Like every policy, directives, government decisions, they come with the two side of the coin. However, this decision comes with three sides- the good, the bad and the ugly.

Mixed reactions as expected have trailed this decision with some Nigerians are almost indifferent owing to the socio-economic hardship currently ravaging the Nation, some lauding and some casting aspersions at this directive and the homo-sapiens behind the decision.

“Education is golden key to unlocking the door of liberty”- A former President of the United State of America, Abraham Lincoln opined when he could not hide his sentiment for knowledge. It is a fundamental truth that a Nation that neglects its educational system has only hung its sack of impoverishment like the proverbial prodigal son. Even the Nigeria constitution in section 18 recognizes education as a public good and a responsibility of the government.

The rhetoric of education being an important foundation of nation building is one that has continued to gain currency. However, the Nigerian state still operates an educational system that could be likened to what is obtainable in the dark ages of 15th century. It is no gainsaying that the rhetoric of poor funding by the government, inadequacy of municipal facilities, examination malpractice, victimization of radical students activists, academic and academic staffs, sexual harassment, gross violation of fundamental right, poor treatment of staffs and students, mass corruption and lucid ineptitude and maladministration have taken over the Nigerian University system.

The labour market, recipient of the decay in the sector, cries of being saturated by “half-baked graduates” or better still “unemployable graduates”. It is unfortunate that the root cause of these fantastically grounded problems is being overlooked.

Upon hearing the new development on the post jamb, I was thrown into a pool of confusion and at the same time ocean of confidence. While personally, the current minister of education, Adamu Adamu by my rating is yet to live up to expectation. As his tenure has experienced and paid lip service to the gross violation of fundamental human right on Nigeria campuses such as the killing of Students in UNIPORT, the draconian imposition of “mid-semester breaks” by university administrators (Unilag, UI, AAUA, UNIPORT etc). I deem it fit to commend him on the cancellation of post-jamb.

It is a naked truth that the best method to combat corruption is not just by tackling the manifestation of corruption which the FG had tacitly adopted in her anti-corruption war but by exterminating the root cause. It has been argued that one of the dens of admission racketeering in the university system is the Post-Jamb. The policy which was a still-birth even at conception has thrown a lot of bright students into Academic wilderness and intellectual desert. I will give certain examples to buttress my argument.

A particular student (name withheld) having scored above 200+ in jamb, burnt the mid-night oil in anticipation of post-jamb examinations, needed to put up with the expensive cost of tutorials, the exposure to accident as a result of bad roads, the throat-cutting costs of post-jamb forms and result checkers (at a period when the government is yet to pay salaries), expose to sexual harassments as result of no accommodation  and at the end of the day scored less than 200 which is the supposed cut-form marks.  Is that not the case of double tragedy? Even, some struggle to manage to scale the cut-off mark hurdles yet the message is No Admission Yet.

Without prejudice to the Obasanjo Administration, the ratification of the recommendation of the committee of Pro-chancellor in 2003 headed by Barr. Afe Babalola is one of the many attacks on education.

If care is not taken in this country, I want to believe that a time is coming when the rich will have nothing to eat except the poor. The decision to scrap Post-Jamb is not only a Pro-masses policy if necessary measures are put in place but also a step in the curbing the lingering menace in the education sector.

It is almost unimaginable, and liquidly betrays the sanitized thinking of an average Nigerian to hear that one of the main reasons for instituting post-jamb was because students who “sincerely burnt the mid-night oil” and got rewarded by hard work through high scores could not prove their mettle before “stern-looking and fear invoking” professors at interview panels. It likewise stabs logic in the head to believe that because a fresh secondary school student seeking admission into a tertiary institution could not name the author of the book, A Man of the People, then the high score recorded by such student is a product of the “invincible hands of Miracle Centres”. All these are just “Pharaoh” excuses to fatten the purse of those who see educational as luxury good for the poor.

Post-jamb with all due regard to the tertiary institutions, both private and public has served as money-refinery for the universities and thus commercialized the ivory towers, i just can’t fathom how an institution that does not have the capacity to admit five thousand students will sell post-jamb forms and checkers (at exorbitant prices) to over fifteen thousand students, thus, making admission survival of the fittest and Mid-night Miracles. Where are the monies that have been generated from this exercise over the past ten years been ploughed? It is still the old rhetoric of under-funding. Who is fooling who?

Sincerely, I do not believe in short cut to success, the road to success is rough, tough and rugged but at end of the tunnel is light. Instead of lamenting over the cancellation as perceived in some quarter, we should see the positives in this policy and usher in the return of meritocracy and sanity in Nigeria university system.

In the final analysis, I strongly agree that the cancellation of post-jamb is not in any way a panacea to the problem and rot that has eaten deep into the Nigeria educational system. However, it is a step in the right direction to restoring sanity and sanctity in the system. At least, an attempt has been made at reducing the headache by administering pain-relief. After then, a wholesale treating of malaria can commence.

Gone were the days when Jamb examination was seen as “Almighty” and held in high regard. Examination malpractices have become the order of the day. A total restructuring in the conduct of jamb examinations, its processes and the board itself is long overdue. It is true that the proverbial lizard will never find its way in the wall unless there is a crack. The leaking of jamb questions is not without the knowledge of “the insiders”. Jamb should devise a more secured method to prevent leaking of questions. The CBT is a welcome idea but in a country struggling with regular and relatively stable electricity, the CBT is more like putting on a SUPRA footwear on an Ankara “Buba and Sokoto”.

An all-inclusive and transparent admission mechanism should be entrenched so as to afford for meritocracy and drastically reduce and if possible eliminate favouritism and nepotism that has beclouded admission processes.

It is a naked truth that the Nigerian education sector is already in comatose waiting for admission at the Intensive Care Unit. The rot in the system is deep-rooted and has many branches. However, one unfortunate development is the out-dated syllabus and God-forsaken curriculum. The syllabus needs total review and curriculum needs updating. The tertiary institutions should as a matter of urgency launch and include an “Agriculture for All” Program. This sheme should extend to the primary level to the tertiary level, thus strengthening the government’s plan of diversification of the economy. This will even reduce the over-dependence on white-collar job and cyber-crime and increase employment and self-sufficiency. Restructuring the syllabus and curriculum is not just about removing Crk/Irk.


While it is commendable that the budgetary allocation for education in this fiscal year is an improvement as compared to other past years, the government needs to meet the 26% budget allocation as recommended by UNESCO. Inadequacy of municipal facilities, poor or no research, students’ protest and incessant shutdown of universities are not unconnected to poor funding.


The ministry of education is an important sector of the economy and as such its stakeholders are quintessential as well. The students union by the provisions of chapter iv, section 40 (Right to peaceful assembly and association) are and remains an integral part of the universities. But the recent development on Nigeria campuses is not only ugly but also disheartening. The authority bans and unbans the union anyhow, criminalise their right to dissent and as such instigate campus unrest. Legislation on Independent Student Unionism will further formalize and legalise the actions and inaction of this prospective Nigeria leaders.

I want to believe that with the removal of post-jamb, Nigeria should be assured that nepotism and favoritism has seen its end and the return of meritocracy is set to begin. The era of admission racketing is gone. The money-refinery of the universities has reduced by one. The untenable admission hardship experienced in the past has and will sincerely become a thing of the past.

Time is the best Author
God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria,
God bless the Indivisible and Indissoluble Nigeria State.
Emmanuel Adeyi Ojedokun (Immanuel Kant),
PRO, OAU Students’ Union, 2014/2015 Parliamentary Year,
Convener, Cheetah Race Network
09051588508, 08066406705
IG: theadeyiemmanuel
Twitter: @Immanuelkantz

NYSC Is A Creation of the Law, it has not been Scrapped– Presidency

The federal government has denied scrapping the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). There were reports that the scheme, which was established since 1975 by then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (retd), has been scrapped by President Muhammadu Buhari, alongside post-UMTE.

The presidency described the story as unfounded and legally illogical.

“NYSC is a creation of the law. Only another law can repeal it,” Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity said while reacting to the rumour.

Sunday 5 June 2016

VP Osinbajo Steps into the Hot Seat As President Buhari Goes on Medical Vacation

President Muhammadu Buhari will begin a 10-day vacation to the United Kingdom on Monday as confirmed by the Special adviser to the president on Media and publicity, Femi Adesina, on Sunday.

It has been rumoured barely three days ago that the president was seriously ill but the presidency, however, maintained that Buhari was hale and hearty.

With this, Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo would step in as the Acting President within the period of the President’s absence.

The statement reads: “President Muhammadu Buhari will take 10 days off and travel to London on Monday June 6th to rest.
“During the holiday, he will see an E.N.T. specialist for a persistent ear infection. The President was examined by his Personal Physician and an E.N.T Specialist in Abuja and was treated.

“Both Nigerian doctors recommended further evaluation purely as a precaution.”

Adulterated Kerosene in Circulation – NSCDC

The Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), on Sunday in Maiduguri alerted Borno residents that kerosene mixed with petrol is currently in circulation in the state. This was stated in a news interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

According to Borno NSCDC Commandant, Mr Ibrahim Abdullahi, some patriotic citizens alerted the command on the circulation of the adulterated commodity.
“We have been receiving distress calls from the public. A man from Maduganari reported that his house was almost gutted by fire because he used adulterated kerosene." he said.

“We are surprised how they mixed kerosene and petrol, We don’t know whether it is another ploy by Boko Haram to cause havoc,’’ he said.

He said the command would leave no stone unturned to apprehend whoever was responsible for the act, and urged the public to report any form of nefarious activities to the law enforcement agencies.

News Agency of Nigeria

MASSOB joins Forces With Avengers Says Violence is the Only Language for Liberation

In a statement signed by the national leader of MASSOB, Comrade Uchenna Madu, he stated that MASSOB was glad that the Avengers had been consistent in the struggle for the liberation of Biafra.

“The consistency, selflessness and pragmatism of these Biafra warriors gladdens our hearts. It shows and proves the positiveness and acceptability of Biafra by our brethren across the Niger. It also rubbished the earlier diversionary, cowardice, stupid and negative comments / statements and position of some leaders of Ethnic nationalities of the South South who are brainwashed by Hausa Fulani Yoruba oligarchies against Biafra”, he declared.

Madu further stated that “the activities of the current Niger Delta Warriors is a natural confirmation that Biafra stretches towards the gulf of Guinea. The natural inhabitants and indigenous people of these lands are Biafrans by birth but Nigeria by citizens.

“MASSOB has made it open that we want Biafra though we choose non violence approach. We shall also support every genuine, legitimate methodology and approach chosen by any group towards Biafran self determination.

“Because of our non violence approach, the Nigerian security forces have killed thousands of MASSOB members and other groups members since 1999 when the current struggle started.”

“Nigeria and her likes understand the only language of violence. Today, Buhari’s military soldiers are being disgraced, economic power block is being dismantled, diplomatic relations being shattered, his Government in disarray even himself is confused because of the activities of Biafran agitators in the Eastern region.

“Our comrades from Niger Delta who are more United and focused than groups from Igbo based hinterland should not relent as the knees of our oppressors shall bow soon. They will beg Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and others”.

Djokovic Smiles with First Ever French Open

Novak Djokovic was exceptional beating Andy Murray in a fantastic game of tennis to claim his first ever French Open title on Sunday.
The World No 1 lost the first set, but recovered to win 3-6 6-1 6-2 6-4.Djokovic has now completed a career Grand Slam and currently holds all four major titles at the same time.
The elated Serbian player stated that It was a very special moment, the biggest of my career after receiving the trophy.
“I felt today something that I never felt before at Roland Garros, I felt the love of the crowd.”

Saturday 4 June 2016

Youth Take Charge Of Government Bill Gains Momentum

Hon. Tony Nwulu MHR's Bill pushing for reduction of age for contesting election into political offices and Independent candidacy is gaining huge support.

The bill aims at making Youths eligible to contest election into mainstream politics, be part of policy making. The hashtag #YouthTakeCharge #NOTTOOYOUNGTORUN is the campaign.


       With much respect and great enthusiasm, after perusing through your writeup sir, i deem it fit to make some clarifications and much needed additions if need be. Although, i read many of your thoughts and opinions on national issues, in which i have substantially agreed with you, but on this one, i am in a state of opposition to it. Some of the issues you have raised will be given attention as i proceed.

       A president is the Father of the Nation. He superintends over every community, locality, components and states and all the federating units. That President Buhari has visited quite a number of Nations as well as some places in Nigeria but has not visited SE and SS region of the Country is a domiciled and sentimental statement. Infact, in my opinion, it is a statement made to wreck religious and tribal havoc . Are you saying he had visited at least one state in all the geopolitical zones? My records show it that PMB has not visited any place in the NC. He had palpably visited the SW, NE, NW and the lingering question on my mind is does it mean he must at least visit all the geopolitical zones in the country before leaving office? Afterall, these are the same geopolitical zones he visited during electioneering campaigns, culminating in one of the electoral promise to adopt the UNEP report on the OGONILAND cleanup, causing "presential" controversy today. Categorically speaking, the same SS and SE you accused PMB of neglecting has so far received the Federal Government's presence than any other zone, since the inception of his administration. The delegation to Enugu state led by the VP, the delegation to Delta state led by the VP, and the recent delegation to OGONILAND in Rivers State yesterday also led by the VP, are classical examples.

      To forge further, of what use is PMB's physical presence in OGONILAND when he has a VP? If he decides to send his VP to represent him on a National mission, what constitutional provisions has he breached or what constitutional error has he  committed? Has he ripped Nigeria and  Nigerians off some certain benefits? Is it that if the President was physically present, the number of years earmarked for the cleanup would reduce? Either he was present or not, those that hate him from that region will continue to hate him until they find succour in his Government. Those that love him will continue to do so so far they are pleased with his Government. There is nothing so significant about his presence as you have acclaimed.

        Apart from your stance on this issue, we were all living witnesses in the year 2014 & 2015 under the administration of GEJ. He also sent the Minister of Finance to present the Budget of these two years in the National Assembly. This was unprecedented in the history of Nigeria. Of course, the argument would be that there was nothing constitutionally mandatory for him to present it personally. So how do we strike a balance of what GEJ did and what PMB has done? That of GEJ was worst because he did not accord the Legislature the moral respect they deserve. Then, i expected write-ups from different angles but i saw none.

        Presidential actions and decisions are due to one factor or the other, taking cognizance of what the law says as well as upholding Rule of Law. We were made to believe from reports emanating from internet and the Press that it was due to the assassination threats issued to Mr. president. In your justification sir, i can infer that you asserted that the President is bowing to intimidation, scared and sees Niger Delta as a sacred place to visit. I will not tow that line of reasoning and will not give a definite reason but one thing I am sure of is whatever his reasons might have been, it wouldn't have been that of the fear to lose his life. Who knows if it is to safeguard the lives of others? Who knows if he was occupied by other engagements? Who knows if it is to foil the Niger Delta Militants' plans? The issue of Fear should be brushed aside.

         PMB has not failed to demonstrate true leadership; as his cancellation to visit OGONILAND does not make him a deviator from True Leadership. His mission there was the message and we should not ignore the message and attack the messenger. The promise to launch OGONILAND cleanup was carried out yesterday and it has taken place. Bill Gates once said, "As we look ahead into the next century, Leaders will be those who empower others". The cleanup will serve as a form of epowerment for the people of OGONILAND. This is what in my opinion, is called true Leadership. We should not judge a person without full understanding of his reasons for his actions. 

Oyelade Mohammed Akinyemi aka HON MM
Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife , Osun State.
08132504902, 08123694260

Friday 3 June 2016

My Impeachment was a Personal Vendetta- Former VP of NSASA OAU, Ayo Bello Opens Up

Fomer vice president of the Nigerian Sociology and Anthropology Students' Association, NSASA and founder of Ladies Circle International, Ayo Bello has opened up on her impeachment and cleared the air concerning allegations that she was impeached due to embezzling departmental funds.
Her reaction came after OAU pigeon's claims that the former VP embezzled the department's fund.
She revealed that she wasn't impeached due to embezzlement and sees the news as defamatory and one that has no truth in it.
Ayo Bello sees her impeachment as a Vendetta as she was impeached for missing three consecutive parliamentary sitting due, stressing that she missed those sitting because she was out of the State and her  president gave the house explanations on her behalf.
" I was out of state and the president made explanations to the house on my  behalf yet the trigger happy parliamentarians impeached me a day to lifting the ban. I consider it a "Kangaroo impeachment" that holds no water what soever."
She also stated that all efforts to reach Bamidele William Who claims to be the Converner of OAU pigeon proved abortive, and as a result she had this to say "I want to tell him to retract this statement before the next 24 hours or else, I'm already taking necessary steps, and he is going to meet with my lawyers because this is considered a libel and he is trying to temper with my identity, my personality and my name which I am not going to accept. So I expect him to retract his statement and tender an unequivocal apology to every platform the news got to".
She finally said that she considers her tenure as the VP of NSASA as a successful one and sees her impeachment as one from a trigger happy parliamentarian.

Buhari Didn't Cancel Ogoniland Trip- Presidency Reacts

Presidency Thursday refuted claims in some quarters that president Mohammadu Buhari canceled his trip to Ogoniland, Rivers State for the commencement oil spillage clean up exercise in the region.

It rather stated that Vice President Yemi Osinbajo represented the president at the occasion.

It will be recalled that the presidential movement to the oil rich land had been widely publicized that even the Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike on the eve of the trip on Wednesday made a broadcast, calling for calm and support for the president.

But at the eleventh hour Wednesday night after his advanced team had arrived Ogoniland, the president detailed his deputy to perform the ritual.

But responding to enquiries by Vanguard on why the president failed to appear in person, his Special Adviser on media and publicity, Mr. Femi Adesina said that he was represented at the event by his deputy.

"We all went to school. There is a difference between cancellation and being represented by someone. The president did not cancel his trip to Ogoniland. He was represented by the Vice President", Adesina said.

Culled from Vanguard