Friday 3 June 2016

My Impeachment was a Personal Vendetta- Former VP of NSASA OAU, Ayo Bello Opens Up

Fomer vice president of the Nigerian Sociology and Anthropology Students' Association, NSASA and founder of Ladies Circle International, Ayo Bello has opened up on her impeachment and cleared the air concerning allegations that she was impeached due to embezzling departmental funds.
Her reaction came after OAU pigeon's claims that the former VP embezzled the department's fund.
She revealed that she wasn't impeached due to embezzlement and sees the news as defamatory and one that has no truth in it.
Ayo Bello sees her impeachment as a Vendetta as she was impeached for missing three consecutive parliamentary sitting due, stressing that she missed those sitting because she was out of the State and her  president gave the house explanations on her behalf.
" I was out of state and the president made explanations to the house on my  behalf yet the trigger happy parliamentarians impeached me a day to lifting the ban. I consider it a "Kangaroo impeachment" that holds no water what soever."
She also stated that all efforts to reach Bamidele William Who claims to be the Converner of OAU pigeon proved abortive, and as a result she had this to say "I want to tell him to retract this statement before the next 24 hours or else, I'm already taking necessary steps, and he is going to meet with my lawyers because this is considered a libel and he is trying to temper with my identity, my personality and my name which I am not going to accept. So I expect him to retract his statement and tender an unequivocal apology to every platform the news got to".
She finally said that she considers her tenure as the VP of NSASA as a successful one and sees her impeachment as one from a trigger happy parliamentarian.