Saturday 4 June 2016


       With much respect and great enthusiasm, after perusing through your writeup sir, i deem it fit to make some clarifications and much needed additions if need be. Although, i read many of your thoughts and opinions on national issues, in which i have substantially agreed with you, but on this one, i am in a state of opposition to it. Some of the issues you have raised will be given attention as i proceed.

       A president is the Father of the Nation. He superintends over every community, locality, components and states and all the federating units. That President Buhari has visited quite a number of Nations as well as some places in Nigeria but has not visited SE and SS region of the Country is a domiciled and sentimental statement. Infact, in my opinion, it is a statement made to wreck religious and tribal havoc . Are you saying he had visited at least one state in all the geopolitical zones? My records show it that PMB has not visited any place in the NC. He had palpably visited the SW, NE, NW and the lingering question on my mind is does it mean he must at least visit all the geopolitical zones in the country before leaving office? Afterall, these are the same geopolitical zones he visited during electioneering campaigns, culminating in one of the electoral promise to adopt the UNEP report on the OGONILAND cleanup, causing "presential" controversy today. Categorically speaking, the same SS and SE you accused PMB of neglecting has so far received the Federal Government's presence than any other zone, since the inception of his administration. The delegation to Enugu state led by the VP, the delegation to Delta state led by the VP, and the recent delegation to OGONILAND in Rivers State yesterday also led by the VP, are classical examples.

      To forge further, of what use is PMB's physical presence in OGONILAND when he has a VP? If he decides to send his VP to represent him on a National mission, what constitutional provisions has he breached or what constitutional error has he  committed? Has he ripped Nigeria and  Nigerians off some certain benefits? Is it that if the President was physically present, the number of years earmarked for the cleanup would reduce? Either he was present or not, those that hate him from that region will continue to hate him until they find succour in his Government. Those that love him will continue to do so so far they are pleased with his Government. There is nothing so significant about his presence as you have acclaimed.

        Apart from your stance on this issue, we were all living witnesses in the year 2014 & 2015 under the administration of GEJ. He also sent the Minister of Finance to present the Budget of these two years in the National Assembly. This was unprecedented in the history of Nigeria. Of course, the argument would be that there was nothing constitutionally mandatory for him to present it personally. So how do we strike a balance of what GEJ did and what PMB has done? That of GEJ was worst because he did not accord the Legislature the moral respect they deserve. Then, i expected write-ups from different angles but i saw none.

        Presidential actions and decisions are due to one factor or the other, taking cognizance of what the law says as well as upholding Rule of Law. We were made to believe from reports emanating from internet and the Press that it was due to the assassination threats issued to Mr. president. In your justification sir, i can infer that you asserted that the President is bowing to intimidation, scared and sees Niger Delta as a sacred place to visit. I will not tow that line of reasoning and will not give a definite reason but one thing I am sure of is whatever his reasons might have been, it wouldn't have been that of the fear to lose his life. Who knows if it is to safeguard the lives of others? Who knows if he was occupied by other engagements? Who knows if it is to foil the Niger Delta Militants' plans? The issue of Fear should be brushed aside.

         PMB has not failed to demonstrate true leadership; as his cancellation to visit OGONILAND does not make him a deviator from True Leadership. His mission there was the message and we should not ignore the message and attack the messenger. The promise to launch OGONILAND cleanup was carried out yesterday and it has taken place. Bill Gates once said, "As we look ahead into the next century, Leaders will be those who empower others". The cleanup will serve as a form of epowerment for the people of OGONILAND. This is what in my opinion, is called true Leadership. We should not judge a person without full understanding of his reasons for his actions. 

Oyelade Mohammed Akinyemi aka HON MM
Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife , Osun State.
08132504902, 08123694260

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