Wednesday 15 June 2016


Synergy and solidarities with other unions on campus is not a new or alien thing to our students Union but I think it's high time we had a reflection on the merits and demerits of such solidarities.

During first semester of last session, NASU protested the long owed arrears of her member by the school management. We had it thoughtful by a congressional resolution to solidarize with this movement. Our solidarity went a long way in shaking the four walls of the struggle and intensified the march. For the first time in my history, I saw a university go on a mid-semester break as the school authority were fast shaken to declare school closure.

What was the outcome of the struggle? Victory or loss?
To an extent and to the best of my knowledge, the leaders of the union had victory in the struggle but the members lost utterly (I stand to be corrected).

What was our lostt?
We resumed after a week only for the school authority to adjust academic calendar and almost a month was added to the existing calendar.

During the course of the second semester, precisely in the wake of December, our union clamored for an overhaul in our welfare condition through an upgrade of facilities on campus, the school embarked on another mid-semester break and the management announced that students union activities hereby stand suspended.

During the course of the break, our dear sister unions had it cool to not just keep mute in the scene but also help in making matters worse for us.

ASUU in her congress during the break resolved to advise that some of our union leaders be dealt with by the school authority for certain issues with a member of their Union. This could have been settled by ASUU summoning these principal officers of our union to her congress and scolding them in sisterhood. If I offend my sister and she decides to report me to that macho man that flogs both of us everyday, is she worth being cared for tomorrow when Mr macho wants to flog her?

NASU members on the other side embarked on all such frustration tactics as directed by the school authority. Lights were completely off in all hostels, water was zeroed in all hostels and all butteries were locked. My brother, what frustration can be worse? Students went from Faj to fetch water in pit theater, forks and fingers as well as PG hall. NASU never deemed it fit to resolve on this as to solidarize with our cause and provide these basic amenities for students on campus during the break.

While we were very much far behind any other school's calendar due to one delay or the other, ASUU deemed it fit to embark on 56 days leave (this is another issue entirely as some of us still see this as being correct).

Now, we have seen these sister unions having one clamor or the other of recent demanding student synergies.

During the cause of the semester break, ASUU in her solidarity for the NLC quest as regards fuel subsidy removal sponsored the students solidarity with over 20 or 30 thousand naira. It was a case of hiring goons, buying the sticks to storm the house of the next door neighbor and upon fulfilment of these task, he treats the goons to a nice meal. They will wish to serve him tomorrow.

Students accompanied ASUU in solidarity in an all expense paid trip to Oshogbo with planks and placards and came back with toothpicks and table water. We all enjoyed it, sekona has very good cooks. Pounded yam and amala can be sometimes wonderful. I think new buka operatives need to go down to Sekona to learn how to make Egusi.

When NASU wanted to proceed to court last Friday, they intended to sponsor our solidarity movement. (Although certain logistic errors couldn't permit this alas). You should jump at this offer to explore some free meals.

These unions have over the period sponsored us provided we solidarize with their movements. They even sometimes of recent went as far as paying school fees of student activists and these so-called shameless dogs gave this a shady scene. When have they ever included it in their demands that the school should make us have our elections and unfreeze our bank account (if truly its been frozen) or they decide to sponsor our elections and be ready to sponsor our movement by sustaining the existence of the union financially?

Solidarities don't just go on papers, they are funded. Instead of sponsoring us to have our solidarity for you, can't you sponsor us to operate legally like you. What's your delight in using us as goons and thugs when you need us and join in flogging us when oppression is coming from above?

Today, we keep telling students that resumption date still remains 27 June, how far will that go if things go haywire? Times may tell and we may not be able to control things.

What if it will happen again that the leaders of the movement will accumulate victory in their pockets and the followers will lose utterly, what will be our lots?

Don't support anyone who will feed you for your solidarity rather than sponsor your voice.

🗣Hon JayD

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