Sunday 10 July 2016


The growth of technology cannot be deterred in this dispensation where world classed advancement is the major focus of countries around the globe. Because of technology, so many individuals, companies and nations around the globe have resorted to seeking easier and faster means of going about their lives. A long time ago, there was the use of the abacus as a counting process but with time this went extinct with the advent of computers and today with numerous other means; we can precisely talk about technology and the idea of automation.

Many of us don’t really come to terms with the term automation but we would most likely come to terms with the words: boilers, heat treating ovens, telephone networks, steering and a host of other means but the basic truth is that all of these are all automation processes.

Automation involves the use of various controlling systems for the purpose of operating so many processes in many locations. A practical example of such is the Asphalt mixing plant which is an automated mixing facility which involves systems that work in tandem with sensors, actuators and other control elements for technical processes. Most of the activities in the facility involve situations where the operator can easily acknowledge what is happening in the environs as he uses the buttons and slide levers which could be used to switch on and off the facility processes.

<a href="asphalt mixing plant automation software">click here</a>Automation is derived from the word “automatic” and the interesting thing about automation is that it is achieved either through electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical devices and computers. Over the years, companies around the globe have employed the use of both devices and computers for easier performance. One major company that has taken up the task of enlightening people about the concept of automation, especially in the aspect of computer servers and software is the Edison Software Development Centre which specializes in testing and internalizing the engineering and re-engineering of their works. They have overtime built a niche for their company in the aspect of automated technology.

Furthermore, many of us use the automated appliances in our homes and work place without knowing it does exist there. Some of them include the thermostat cooling systems which apply both the electrical and mechanical means of automation. It also accrues to heaters and workplaces where you find elevators. The telecommunication industry, aircraft and ATM machines make use of the process of automation too.

Click here to see more on asphalt mixing plant automation software

Automation is an age concept that has passed from centuries down and it has been reiterated with the advent of sophisticated means of transportation and communication. The renaissance of technology has brought automation to the lime light by fusing it in the aspect of industrialization, engineering and a host of other working fields. These days, it is hard to see a place where you won’t find automated facilities.
Conclusively, in a matter of years from now automation would take the place of human actions especially with the recent news of having a car that navigates without a driver. It is an evergreen process that would pass from generations to generations.

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