Tuesday 24 May 2016

NiST Speaks tough Say Buhari Must Make a U-turn.

The Nigerian Students of Thought at the protest today in Ile-Ife has distanced itself from the weight thrown behind the Buhari led Administration for the removal of subsidy and hike in PMS by the National Association of Nigerian Students,NANS.

According to the National President, 
AYO Toluwalase Shedrach (AY TOES) the  country is in great shambles as a result of the lack of political-will seen in the President Mohammed Buhari, stressing further that their argument on hike is invalid.

"We, the Nigerian Students of Thought (NiST), totally distance ourselves from this exploitative stand. The removal of fuel subsidy at this critical time of our country is inhumane; it shows that our current leaders are not concerned whether we are alive or not. NiST is vehemently demanding a total reversal of PMS to N87."

They further rejected the over 40 percent increase in Electricity tariff saying that even Mr. Fashola knows the truth that increasing electricity tariff is not a panacea to solving the tragedy of low power supply in Nigeria.

At the protest, placard of rejection of the grazing bill was displayed and the call for inclusion of Youth in governance was made by NiST.

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